Auto mode Disparity Tab

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This page explains what you will see in the disparity tab and gives you detail about its functions

View the disparity video

What is disparity ?

Disparity is the term used for the distance in price between the runner in front and behind your selection , GHB can analyse these prices and make a decision weather to bet or not based on this distance

Tells the GHB to use the ignore runners list (the Auto market screen)

With "Use Disparity" ticked, the prices will be based on the runners directly infront and behind on the market based on prices

If you tick "Use disparity on favourite" then no matter what position your runner
is (2nd, 3rd) it will always look at the best priced horse for the disparity rule.

So for example:

I want to bet on the 2nd favourite in a race but only if the runners in front and behind it are greater than 0.5 and less than 0.5 respectively

Sets the disparity value for the runner in front

Sets the disparity value for the runner behind

Sets the disparity value for the 2nd runner behind

Sets the disparity for the 3rd runner behind

Further Information

Auto mode disparity tab FAQ

Q.  What does the use ignore runner list have to do with disparity?

A. Nothing, it has been placed on this tab for ease of access. There is more about the ignore runner list on the ignore runner list page

Q.  Can I apply disparity to my rank settings?

A. Yes the bot will apply your disparity settings to your rank selections on the general tab

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