🐎👉Yep it's called back fitting...

...But it is kind of fun...


If you have tried using AI like ChatGPT, CoPilot or even Gemini then you know the kind of answers you can get from simple prompts.

But have you tried the same prompt across several of them?

That can be interesting and great when you want to get different perspectives on an idea.

Not all AI's are created equal 



So, the first thing I am having is a bit of a "Problem" with one of my feeds.

I mentioned last week that the "Tipster" info is a bit hit-and-miss and they won't seem to answer me about it.

I seem to be able to get the actual number of tipsters most days if I keep calling the feed...

...But I am not getting the info that makes up the "Tipsters Rank" and "Tipsters" on PR Ratings.

So I am just not sure at the moment what is happening but I will keep trying to find out.

Anyway on with today.

So often I get a comment on my YouTube videos "You are just back fitting", "It won't work" etc, etc.

The term is normally used to describe when you take a system and then adapt it or change it by either changing filters or taking them away.

Not sure if adding a new one could be classed as backfitting because you are just recreating a system for a test...But who knows?

I am not even sure half the people who make the comment know the answer because even when I specifically answer the question in the video they still post the same comment (no I am not bitter :-) ).

Anyway, if you don't mind "back fitting" or playing with the results of systems then try this one.

PR Shared system "The Fav WO CH (17/1/2023)"

Only made 29 points of profit in that 19 months but I think with a bit of research...

(Hint: relook at the BTE filter)

...You could probably run a new test with better results.

Let me know what you find.

Click Here to find out more about PR Ratings.


Let me know if you have any questions :-)

Until Next Time


I create the tools so you can create systems.

P.S. The Greyhound System That Keeps Giving.

This "one a day" complete method uses a special
"Split by 3" recovery plan that keeps it profitable.
Click Here to find out more about OADL Greyhound system.
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