... Similar anyway...
Finally, the Polaris mission went ahead and successfully launched 4 astronauts into space.
The next big thing is the first space walk ever attempted by a commercial company (SpaceX).
It should be interesting to watch :-)
Sorry, this will be quick this morning because I overslept!
So I always like to keep you up to date with the PR Ratings. shared systems.
There are two you may want to have a look at that are quite interesting.
TTS3 and TTS4 were both added on 26/7/2024 and they are both "lay" systems.
TTS4 is showing 31 points since being added and a 22.5% ROI (using 1 point)...
TTS3 is showing 24.51 points and a ROI of 25.01% (using 1 point).
They are similar with subtle differences.
TTS 3 has had 98 selections since being added which isn't a bad test and TTS 4 has had even more at 139.
Both are using UK races only but if you want to play around then try activating UK & IRE...
...You should see a little difference there.
Who knows what else you may find with a bit of research?
Don't forget PR Ratings. has over 50 "Quick Analyse" buttons to help you analyse and create systems quickly.
Click Here to find out more about PR Ratings.
I create the tools so you can create systems.