🐎👉6 in a row...

...And all favourites...


It's Friday!

I used to plan a lot of things for the weekend but lately I have just been in a "see how it goes".

Some friends have been talking about having a meetup at a Park Run on Saturday.

Although another long walk with the dogs on the Ridgeway sounds fun :-)



If you have signed up for the Free Favourites lays then you may have seen we have now had 6 winners in a row.

Some people missed the "Cobra Queen" loser at the start and got "Natural Look" instead.

They were both close and at one time with a price of 4.90.

If you did get "Natural Look" that would be 7 in a row and if we could add that to the official results it would show 17 winners in a row!

...But we have to use the official results and it's still not bad winning on 6 favourites in a row.

If you want to sign up for the selections and get them in your email then

👉 Click Here. 👈


I must be crazy giving them away free :-)

Mark's system had its first loser in a while but I got some of it back on the next winner.

https://youtu.be/STGglJ_mOVI )

I use the "Split by 3" on this system so hopefully I will get two more winners within the next few days...

...I will let you know what happens next.

👉🏻 Click Here to find out more about PR Ratings.👈🏻



I create the tools so you can create systems.

P.S.  A very simple "Place" system and a very simple offer.
Click Here for more information.

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