πŸŽπŸ‘‰And works on the place...

... 38 points extra...


I must admit it is nice to have the house to ourselves for a bit.

We haven't really done anything different but not having to watch out for Father-In-law has just made life a little simpler.

It's surprising how quiet it actually is :-)



On Friday I uploaded to YouTube a new PR Ratings video...


One of the comments on the video was...

"also works on place for 32 points".

I did mean to mention that in the video but I missed it in my notes!

But yes it does work on the "Place" market and the main market.

It had two winners of 4.17 and 4.93 on Friday and just one selection on Saturday that lost but won on the "Place" Market coming 2nd with a price of 1.56.

For such a simple system it will be interesting to see how it goes.

Anyway, don't forget to check out the video and you can get the spreadsheet from here.
link to spreadsheet.


The purpose of the video was to demonstrate that you don't need to accumulate a large number of points each month to transform small stakes into significant rewards.

You don't need to try chasing big winners or lots of selections.

Just enough winners to make 8 to 10 points consistently can soon add up to large amounts.

And finding a few winning favourites is one way you can do it.

The other of course is to use PR Ratings.

Click Here to find out more about PR Ratings.


Until Next Time


I create the tools so you can create systems.

P.S. The Greyhound System That Keeps Giving.

This "one a day" complete method uses a special
"Split by 3" recovery plan that keeps it profitable.
Click Here to find out more about OADL Greyhound system.
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