Spreadsheet + 5 methods

How to get your hands on my Amazing new Trade Growth Spreadsheet Plus
 5 FREE quick and easy systems
to make 10% to 25% of your stake per day.

So this is a private page and you will only see if you read my daily emails.

Because of that you should have an inkling what it is about.

Get the spreadsheet

Yep the Spread Sheet and Bonuses.

If you are happy and just want to purchase, then click here to go straight to the buy button.

Watch my most popular video on the subject

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If not read on...

You have probably got used to me going on about making 10% to 25% of your stake and even "targeting" just 1 point per week.

One point per week

The reason I do this...

..is because I think this is the way you can become successful and make profit.

That’s why I have created the spreadsheet so that you can tell how easily it can be to grow your stake and bank, even if you can only start with £1 today.

The Spreadsheet shows you that just by increasing your stakes by small amounts you can make big gains over very short period (Relatively speaking).

But the spreadsheet does more than just showing you what can be achieved.

It makes you keep records so that you can see how you are doing.

Add your trades

How can you ever make it in this game if you don't have at least some way of knowing how you are doing?

You need to know your strike rate and your average trade/Bet value in order to know if you are profitable.

By entering your trades/bets into the spreadsheet it can track your strike rate and tell you your average winning %.

Your statistics

The longer you keep records the more you understand about your trading and the better you can become at it.

Every trader worth this "Salts" keeps some kind of record...

...and if you want to better than most then you need to do the same.

The spreadsheet allows you to just that.

But there is something else here as well.

"Fail to plan, plan to fail".

The Trade Growth spreadsheet allows you to make plans about how you intend to grow your stake/bank.

By trying out different ideas you can see the type of growth that will fit into your daily life.

You will discover quite quickly that you don't have to make 100's of points to make good money from sports.

Even 1 point a week can soon add up, if you work out a way of consistently making it.

With all that being said...

...you still have to make a profit.

Which is the reason why I put together this package.

It’s like “being able to have your cake and eat it” 😊

No, but seriously this is about “Time” which unfortunately seems to be a big issue is a society now based on “Instant Gratification”.

We have got so used to “Having things now” that we have forgotten that the best things take time.

No matter what you hear in the press there is hardly ever an “Overnight success”.

Ask nearly anyone labelled with that title and they would normally follow up with a story of years of trying and failing and gradually working it out until it looked like some amazing success story.

Trust me if you have ever started your own company, you know this to be true.

Even writing about this here is going to put a lot of people off even looking...
...because they “Want it now”.

No time for success

Well my trading friend…

…I am sorry it is not that simple and if you have no patience and think 6 months to a year is too long to meet your financial goals then maybe this is not for you.

You know me...I normally tell you how it is.

Still with me?

That’s a good sign.

Let’s first look at some scenarios and then go from there.

Why don’t we look at worst case first.

Let’s say today you are starting with a stake of just £1

Your goal was to make just 5% from that £1 which is about 5p.

No, we are not going to for 10% or 25% and we certainly are not going to try and double it…

…We just want to make 5p.

From that 5p that we win we are going to use 40% of it and add that to our next stake.
It looks like this.
£1 stakes

We will call target “Days” for the moment so we are only looking for 1 trade per day.
What would it look like one year from now.

What a difference a year can make
So in one year just trying to find one trade that made you 5% you could go from a stake of £1 to £1350.40!

But speak to most people and they say things like “I can’t wait one year” or “I really need to make this amount now” etc, etc.

What they are really saying is:

I haven’t got the patience to just make 5% a day, everyday.

And it is true most of us haven’t and we will end up pushing to make more and end up doing silly things and losing and going back to square one.

5% a day is just not “Sexy”.

Ok let’s try something else.

What if you could do one trade (or maybe several) and make 25% of your stake.

This looks like this.

25% a day
Again, we will say each target represents a day.

So, what happens next.

What happened next
Which will probably look a lot more attractive to most people...

...even though it is still 3 or 4 months to get there and making 25% is more difficult (although still reasonably easy) than making 5% per trade.

Now I could really sell this by showing you all sorts of calculations with the spread sheet…

…But I don’t want to be one of those people that promise you the earth.

This is not about me it is about you and your willingness and patience to follow through on whatever you decide is right for you.

Are you going to keep doing the same thing day in and day out and expect different results?

Or are you going to grab the spreadsheet, pick a growth scenario that you think you can follow and then settle down, and do it?

Only you can decide that!

So, if you are still with me and really do want to get onboard with this idea…

…I have tried to make it a little easier for you.

Free with the Spread Sheet

5 Methods for you to make 10% plus (Although 5% would be easier).

In this package you will find Football, Horse Racing, Greyhound and even a Tennis trading strategy for you to use.

They are all easy to implement and have been chosen because they are easy to use and you can implement them today.

There is a choice between Back to Lay trading, Straight backing, Placing or even laying.

There is bound to be at least one or two ideas that you really like here…

…If not more.

So sure, I could sell each of these systems individually...

...but the point is I want to get you started.

This is bonus is a thankyou for purchasing the Trade Growth spreadsheet.

The main version is an MS Excel...

...But there is a google docs version as well now.

So how much is all this?

Well to be honest I have never sold a Spread Sheet package before so I wasn't sure what to charge.

Looking around you can see all sorts of prices so that didn't help...

...So at first I kind of though that about £30 to £40 would be a fair price.

That's when I decided to add the 5 methods to make it more that a fair price.

Then I thought...

..."Well I am bound to get questions and need to make some updates and changes so may be I should start off with a lower price"

So that's what I am going to do.

Let's say the first 20 people who purchase today...

...Don't pay £40 or even £30 (I sound like a market trader!).

But Just £19.95 

  • You get the full Trade Growth Spread Sheet.
  • The PDF containing the 5 quick and easy methods
  • And any updates that come along from requests.

Just £19.95
When you purchase today (Includes Spread Sheet, manual and bonuses Lifetime access).

By ticking this checkbox you agree with the following statement: 
"I understand this is a gambling method that comes with no guarantees it will work for me. Because of this I also understand that it is a "Non-Refundable" purchase and that I paying for you to give me this information with no guarantees that I can get similar results to those shown in information and results provided.

PayPal we don't actively support PayPal but if you wish to use this method then log in to your PayPal account and then select send money. Send £19.95 it to sales@bluebelldata.co.uk and add the message "Spread Sheet offer".


There are not any at the moment but if you have one please do not hesitate to email me at sales @ bluebelldata.co.uk

I will be more than happy to answer any questions.

Note: The spread sheet works using Microsoft Excel but there is also a Google Version which you can run in a normal browser.

As always thank you for popping by :-)

Until next time


P.S. Don't forget I can only hold that price for the first 20!


This guide /report is for information only. In no way we are advising you to act on the guide /report or to bet on live markets. Please seek proper advice if you are unsure what to do.

Unmatched bets, prices out of range and other factors may influence your results compared to ours so we can in no way guarantee that you will achieve similar results. In fact your results could be worse.


Please see Betfair’s information on how they match bets.

Matched bets can be influenced by timing, stake amounts and other factors.

Online or off line betting is not appropriate for everyone.

There is a substantial risk of loss associated with betting. Losses can and will occur. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses. No representation or implication is being made that using the information on this guide /report/article will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular betting program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.

In addition, hypothetical betting does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical betting record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual betting. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular betting program in spite of betting losses are material points which can also adversely affect betting results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific betting program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual betting results.



